
Crankworx For Families

Seeing Crankworx through a child's eyes really puts into perspective how inspiring and exciting the mountain bike festival of the summer season can be. Bikes everywhere, adrenaline-fuelled action, tasty food, and live music stimulates all the senses and can make a kid want to bike more than ever. For parents, the festival atmosphere can be intense, especially while trying to occupy and manage small children. We've put together a guide for families attending Crankworx so that every family member will have the experience of a lifetime. 


There are a number of events that are perfect for all ages. What's more, if the events interfere with sleeping and feeding schedules, the practice sessions are equally as interesting and often, have smaller crowds. 

The Clif Dual Speed and Style Presented by Muc-Off

Speed and Style is just what the name suggests-Fast riding and exciting tricks. The event takes place at the base of the Whistler Mountain Bike Park making it very accessible for those with little kids. On the day of finals, don't feel that you have to attend the full event, stop in and when the kids lose interest, carry on to the next activity. 


Saturday August 11th
8:30am - 10:00am


Saturday August 11th
10:00am - 1:30pm

Dirt Diaries

Dirt Diaries sets a number of professional filmmakers and athletes against each other. The final product is a show at the Olympic Plaza. Pack a picnic and watch the magic unfold. Perfect for any age that can manage the events late start time. 

Date: Tuesday August 14th


Your kids don't have to just watch the athletes in action, they can compete themselves in Kidworx. Kidworx features a number of affordable mountain bike events such as an Enduro, BMX challenge and time trials- all kid-friendly! 

 Kidworx Enduro

The Kidworx Enduro is a chance for kids ages 7-12 to compete in a multi-stage timed event. Participants will ride both the Lost Lake trails and the Whistler Mountain Bike Park. 

Date: Friday August 10th
8:00am - 12:00pm

Kidworx  Speedster Time Trials

How fast can you go? The Kidworx Speedster Time Trials is a great opportunity for kids ages 2-6 to test their pedaling and biking skills to find out just how fast they can go. 

Date: Friday August 10th
8:00am - 12:00pm


Crankworx can be a busy time in Whistler, making finding the right accommodation for your family tricky and expensive. Make sure to visit Whistler Reservations for hotels, townhomes, and even owner direct options that fit the needs of your family, all at the best price, guaranteed!

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