You may think that any old ski jacket will do the trick or that old pair of snow pants will hold up through the next week of skiing but we have news for you, Whistler has a variety of conditions and some of which, can change in the blink of an eye. This means that your gear may not be doing what it needs to do and consequently, your fun could be put on hold while you wring out your gloves or de-fog your goggles. Never fear, we've gathered the gear you need for spending maximum time on the mountain- safe, dry and warm!
Gore-Tex is a waterproof and breathable fabric membrane that is just about the next best thing since sliced bread. This fabric in the making of ski pants, jackets, and gloves. It is the best technology available for staying dry in wet environments. Since the snow in Whistler can change depending on where you are on the mountain, having outerwear that is made from Gore-Tex will ensure you are able to transition through conditions and weather without getting wet.Â
No one likes their vision to be obscured, expecially when you are flying down a run on the mountain. What's more, the changes in temperatures that can happen when you put your goggles up or walk into the lodge can result in goggle fog that just can't be fixed. Many goggle brands now feature an anti-fog coating or a design that allows for better airflow.Â
Base layer, mid-layer, outer layer- all the layers! It can be cold at the top of the mountain and warm down below making layers a key tactic in staying comfortable.Â
You may get caught up in all the excitement of just how much snow there is and feel that that double black run is a good place to warm up. For starters, always warm up on an easy run and secondly, make sure you wear a helmet so those decisions don't have lasting consequences.Â
Remember those layers that we mentioned? Well, that along with snacks can fit perfectly into a backpack. Carrying one around all day may seem like a burden but it will save you a lot of time and energy if you don't have store your belongings in lockers or back at the hotel.
If you're still unsure about what gear to purchase or bring with you to Whistler, just have a look at what some of the locals are wearing. Otherwise, we will see you soon and up on the hill!
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Our offices are located overlooking the Olympic Downhill slopes of Whistler Creekside.