The Whistler Writer’s Festival

Love the Literary Arts? Is writing your favorite pastime? Interested in attending a workshop to improve your craft?  If you said yes to any of the above or just enjoy words in general then this festival is for you! Taking place from October 13-16, 2016, The Whistler Writer's Festival is celebrating it's 15-year anniversary with a jammed packed schedule; filled to the brim with workshops, readings, guest authors and for the first time ever, the Whistler Independent Book Awards, you're not going to want to miss taking part in this literary event!


Part of the goal of the festival is to help writers to develop their skills. The specificity of the workshops and talented instructors will encourage your writing to grow!

You Should Write a Book

Getting started can be the hardest part so why not have someone provide you with a few tips to get the ball rolling!

October 14 | 4 - 5:30 p.m. | Fairmont Chateau Whistler

How to Write a Picture Book

This free event will help you understand the structure and get you going on writing that children's book that you've always wanted to!

October 15 | 9 - 10:30 a.m. | Whistler Public Library | FREE

Character Bootcamp

Is your leading role lacking a little something? Take your character to boot camp and then watch them bring your story come to life!

October 15 | 2:30 - 4:30 p.m. | Fairmont Chateau Whistler

Guest Authors

A writer's festival wouldn't be complete without meeting your favorite author! Feet Banks, Jane Urquhart, Emma Donoghue and Mary MacDonald are just to name a few of the authors that you will see making an appearance, hosting an event or taking you through a workshop.


A chance to sit back and take in the work of an accomplished author, poet or even a cook! From comedy to informative, the readings are scheduled all throughout the festival. Some even offer the opportunity to take in words while enjoying appetizers, live music or laughter.

Tasting the Divine: Cooks with Books

Meet the cooks behind some famous cookbooks and sample their handiwork while you're at it!

October 14 | 6:15 - 7:30 p.m. | Audain Art Museum

The Literary Cabaret

Readings paired with live music make this event one of the most popular of the festival!

October 14 | 8 - 10 p.m. | Maury Young Arts Centre

Comedy Quickies

Enjoy an evening of laughter while eight Comedy Quickies writing finalists share their work and watch one take home the cash prize!

October13 | 8–10p.m. | MauryYoungArtsCentre

Whistler Independent Book Awards

Taking place on October 13th from 6–7:30 at the Maury Young Arts Centre, the Whistler Independent Book Awards are making their premier! Produced by the Whistler Writing Society, Vivalgue Publishing and the Vancouver chapter of the Canadian Authors Association, it will honor Canadian authors who have self-published a book or books in the last five years. Many applicants have submitted to receive this inaugural award adding to its historical importance.

These wonderful events are just a few of what is available during the Whistler Writer's Festival. Hang out with fellow writers, take in a reading or two and brush up on a few skills that could improve your literary art. Looking for accommodation or other activities to do while taking in this festival? Visit Whistler Reservations to book now!

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