Why Biking in Whistler Rocks

Locked bikes of all kinds line the village stroll through the spring summer and fall. This multi season sport is quite diverse and the Whistler terrain offers something for all levels of all interests when it comes to biking. Let’s get into the nitty-gritty, just why does biking in Whistler rock? Find out why each subcategory of biking is best in Whistler; XC (cross-country), downhill, road biking and valley trail cruising.


The Lost Lake Trail system in Whistler is a cross-country dream! With what feels like endless kilometers of single track for all abilities, these trails never get old. In fact, our locals love them and after years they don’t tire of the trails, the views and the challenges. You’ll find everything from wide graveled trails with minimum elevation change, to steep single tracks. Each trail is rated and the area has multiple maps to check in with as you make your journey. The trails are well maintained and are always entertaining. Take your first pedal into the cross-country biking world at Lost Lake, or test your limits on ladders, skinnies and steeps! For other cross-country alternatives check out Emerald Forest, A River Runs Through It, Bob’s Rebob or Curt Yet Bars on the other side of the valley. Whistler cross-country maps and tours can be booked through us on our biking page.


The ultimate downhill experience is right in our backyard. Lift accessed downhill routes are available through Whistler Blackcomb. On Whistler Mountain you can take a chairlift, gondola, or a combination of the two to get some serious vertical under your tires. Whistler Blackcomb offers a variety of lessons and clinics to enhance your experience based on ability and personal biking goals. Cruise down wide winding trails or venture up to the top of Peak Chair for a panoramic view and the long descent in the valley.

Biking Whistler Bike Park
Biking Whistler Bike Park

Road Biking

While we might be known for riding on rugged mountain trails, there are plenty of opportunities to enjoy a smoother ride while still taking in the same breath taking views here in Whistler. Our recently upgraded highway makes for an unforgettable road biking experience. The mountainous roads consist of big climbs and big views. One of the most popular routes in the area is to Olympic Park. The Pemberton and Squamish routes also make for a great days journey. If you’re looking for a multi day trip, the Duffey Lake route might be right up your alley. A couple of hours, or a couple of days, there are plenty of road biking options in this town.

Valley Trail

If you are unfamiliar with the Valley Trail, it is a beautifully paved pathway system stretching across Whistler and often winding through its communities. It connects all of our lakes, beaches, many parks and the three villages (Creekside Village, Upper Village and the Main Village). It is the perfect way to get around Whistler and sight see at the same time. Yourself, your family and your friends of all riding abilities and of all ages will enjoy a pedal on the Valley Trail.

Biking Whistler
Biking Whistler

Regardless of your biking specialty, Whistler can guarantee a great experience. Bring your quiver of bikes for a multi-biking kind of weekend, or stop by one of the many rental locations through out the village to experience biking uphill, flying downhill or pedaling through the valley.